Sunday, October 14, 2007

L.B. Half Marathon race results

What an awesome day! Brittany ROCKED! the 1/2 with a time of 2:21:34. But as great as that time was, it could have been better. She had to stop and go to the bathroom and got stuck in line for 7 minutes. So, if you were to take that into account, she really ran a 2:14. Amazing. Her last 1/2 was 2:30 so she pr’d by a good 16 minutes. Her training is really paying off. She also took a spill and scraped up her elbow and knees. She said a few people helped her up and she kept on running. Way to go! I couldn’t have been more proud.

Time: 2:21:34
overall 2935 out of 6076 48%
div 20-24 103 out of 228 45%
sex place 1271 out of 3449 36%

My Dad did great on the bike tour. He finished in 2:25. He only had to stop and pee once. And if you knew my Dad you would know how surprising that is. He is really stoked about cycling now and wants to do the Los Angeles bike tour that is held the day of the LA Marathon. I love it when a good plan comes together.

Jasel did great on her 5k. She didn’t look at the clock when she finished so we are waiting for the official results for her time.
Jasel finished in 29:57 which is a 9:39 pace! That’s a great time and she is joining cross country so it is bound to get even better. Congratulations!

I was ok with my time. I finished at 2 hours even. I haven’t been putting in nearly as many running miles as usual since I am training for the Ironman and my training time gets split up between 3 disciplines. So I can’t complain with 4 minutes slower than my PR. I was dealing with some stomach issues, which I usually don’t have. Brit and I had a rather large dinner and I think I had half of it still in my stomach for most of the race. The weather was great. It was a little chilly at the start, but of course once you get going it was perfect.

Time: 2:00:00
overall 1280 out of 6076 21%
div 40-44 142 out of 355 40%
sex place 878 out of 2627 33%

The race was really cool. The event was well organized and the volunteers were great. It was really cool not having to drive to the race and deal with parking, since I live right up the street. It was also a lot less stressful than doing a triathlon, since you only have to run.

My Mom was there cheering us on and said that “it was tiring just being a spectator”. Which brings up something that doesn’t get mentioned nearly enough. And that is how important it is too have people that love you enough and are willing to support this endeavor of ours. It is tiring going to a race and deal with all the traffic and the people. Getting up so early and, In the case of my Mother, making breakfast for everyone, washing race clothes and standing in the hot sun waiting for us to cross the finish line. So, thanks Mom and everyone that supports us.

What a great day!


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