Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vibram Five Fingers

I finally broke down and purchased the Vibram Five Fingers. I have been eying these babies for a long time. As most of you know, my daughter Brittany is a barefoot runner, and I have ran barefoot on occasion. But, since I have done the majority of my training on the treadmill at a local gym, and they don't allow bare feet on the gym floor, I have had to put off releasing my feet from the shackles of modern footwear.

Yesterday, Brittany and I went down to Sport's Chalet and I snagged the last pair of Vibram Five Finger "Classics" in Black!!! YES! I had thought that I wanted the KSO (stands for, "Keep stuff out") but after trying them on, I decided on the "Classics" and am glad I did!

I ran 4 miles barefoot on Monday, purchased the VFF's on Tuesday. Ran 5 1/2 miles in them that evening and loved it. I got up this morning and ran 2 miles in them at the gym (without incident) and finished up the with 3 more miles this evening with Brit. In addition to all of this barefoot running, today also was my first "2 a day". I will be breaking up my days into 2 runs a day on my Transcontinental run. So, I will start to incorporate this into my training schedule periodically until after the Long Beach Marathon. At which time, my mileage will be ramping up drastically.

Chris and I have been busy shooting lots of footage, documenting the process leading up to my run. We are editing episode 2 and it should be ready in the next few days. It is proving to be a truly organic process and continues to evolve on a daily basis. I really do hope that people will find it as interesting as I do, seeing where it will all lead. I know where I want to go, but am so excited to see how I am going to get there. Even though this started as my run across America, I have become just as excited and interested in Chris's reasons for going on this journey, and looking forward to all of his knowledge of the places we will travel through along the way. It really is so much more than some idiot (me) pulling a Forrest Gump.

Tomorrow, Sep. 10th 7 am, Chris and I will be interviewed by Cindy Rakowitz on Voice America. We'll talk some more about our plans and it will give you guys a chance to learn more about Chris. If you can't tune in live, then you can download and listen at your convenience.

As always, You can follow me on Twitter and here is Chris's Twitter account. Or add me as a friend on facebook and (if you dare) Chris's facebook page.

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