Saturday, June 28, 2008

Over trained

I am a bit frustrated. It has been hard to get into a steady groove of triathlon training since IMAZ. I was very meticulous about my schedule for that race and rarely had a problem sticking to it and logging the time and miles. I registered for the Camp Pendleton Olympic Triathlon on July 19th because I wanted to race the Olympic distance but I do not feel ready for the swim AT ALL! The logistics of running, commuting by bike and swimming is really difficult. It is really hard to find the time to swim in the morning, so I try to schedule it at night. By the time I am done working, I am in no mood to get in the pool. It is causing me to question the cost/ benefit of triathlon for me at this point in time. Would it be better to concentrate more on running the rest of this year and get my marathon time down? I could still cycle to work and get plenty of those mile in as well. I need a lot of work on my swim and maybe with a little less pressure ......... Wow! even writing this is painful for me. I am making excuses and that really makes me wanna puke.

I’m not gonna make any rash decisions at this point. I’ll do my swim sessions the next 3 weeks and see how it goes. I do not want to DNS. I was sick for 2 days last week and the whole week of training was off. I think I am feeling the classic symptoms of overtraining. I did listen to my body and took it easy.

I did cycle to work 2 of the 5 days. The plan is to do 4, but as I said, I was sick for 2 days. It is so cool to bike past the gas station and feel the liberation in knowing that you aren’t a slave to the oil companies. Let’s hope that I can get 4 days in this next week.

I have the HB 4th of July 5K on Friday. I am looking forward to a fast time and hopefully a PR. It will definitely be a PR for the course since last year I paced Brittany due to a nasty case of Plantar Fasciitis. We’ve got a bunch of friends doing the race with us and it will be their first 5K. How fun! We are all gonna go out for lunch afterwords and try to make it a special day for everyone.


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