Friday, September 21, 2007

Long training day

I usually do my long training days on the weekend. But, since I am racing in the Long Beach Triathlon on Sunday, I switched my long day to today. I “slept in” till 6:00 am, got up, had a couple bowls of Trail Mix Crunch and headed to the gym. I started with a 1:45 minute ride on the bike. My legs were feeling a little tired so I stayed in the lower part of my “easy zone”. My heart rate was fine and I was feeling pretty good. It’s just that my legs were just kinda sore and felt like I could get to my LT pretty easily. So I just took it slow and steady. I was on the bike 1:45 for a total of 26 miles.

On to the run. I love running after cycling. I guess I am blessed that I don’t really get dead legs. They just get a little numb, which makes it even nicer to run. I ran for 1:10 at a pretty slow pace. I felt pretty amazing the whole time. 1:10 for 6.5 miles. I did a little stretching, calves and hamstrings, and a set of back extensions and some crunches. Next up, :45 swim. I am starting to enjoy swimming more and more. I just started swimming about 4 months ago. I bought the DVD “Freestyle Made Easy” from the company Total Immersion, per the advice from several Triathletes. I have no idea how I would have ever learned to swim as fast as I did had I not watched this video. I have become fairly efficient in a relatively short amount of time. Still, swimming is still my weakest discipline. I’ve gotta work on that. :45 swim for a little under 1500 meters.

I feel really good. Tomorrow I’m going to do an open water swim in Belmont Shores and rest for the rest of the day in preparation for Sunday’s race.

I am shooting for at least top 35% in my age group. It is the last triathlon race of the season and I will be happy with if I achieve that goal.

I will post a race report after the race.


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