Wednesday, August 6, 2008


procrastinate |prəˈkrastəˌnāt; prō-|
verb [ intrans. ]
delay or postpone action; put off doing something : it won't be this price for long, so don't procrastinate.

Uh, yeah..... We all know what it means. And I have been meaning to stop doing it, procrastinating, that is. But, well..... In another stellar example of a bad character trait. I put off registering for the race this weekend. There was a semi valid reason other than sheer laziness. You could only register via snail mail. No online registration available. You had to print out the form along with proof of a prior marathon finish, to the Race Director. Arghhh! So many details. I finally sat down on Saturday evening at 10 PM to fill out the form, when I saw this...

Needles to say, my heart sank. I had NO idea this race would sell out. In fact the website mentioned registering the day before the race. I feel like such an idiot, ashamed almost. I trained for this race for the last 2 months. I did the training run on the course. My daughter Brittany, her boyfriend and I planned a camping trip around the race, and now.... nada, nothing, ZIP!

Well, after feeling sorry for myself for about an hour, I decided to come up with a plan B. I found a race at Lake Gregory this weekend. It is a 5K (which Brittany will do) and a half marathon that I will run. We found a really cool campsite in the area and are going to have a blast for 2 days in the mountains.

I haven’t decided for sure yet, but I am strongly considering doing the BullDog 50K on Aug 23rd. It is in the same area as The Sycamore Canyon 50K I did in May.

Well, this was a hard post to write, I feel stupid, and I have been so busy it has been tough to find the time to blog. So busy in fact that I still need to register us for this weekends race..... Yeah, that’s right, it’s Wednesday and I still haven’t registered. Sheesh, some people never learn.



Stephen said...

Don't feel bad. I was going to read this blog 2 days ago when you wrote it, but kept putting it off till today :)

Anonymous said...

Your site has been my motivation... After completing 12 weeks of P90X and shedding 21 lbs, I decided that I would begin a running and cycling regiment. To be honest I am just not ready to go through another 12 weeks of P90X. I have not done any running for over 6 months but my body was tuned and ready for action. My first run was last Tuesday (8/5/08) and I ran 1 mile... I was impressed! on Thursday I ran another mile, with relative ease. Friday night I got the buzz to dust of my bike and get it ready for a cruse. I replaced the front tube and on Sunday made the Santa Ana River trek from GG Blvd to PCH, 21 Miles round trip! The only time I was sore was for a couple of hours after the trek. I thought I would be out of commission come Monday, but surprisingly I was fully recovered. I did notice that my bike did not fare as well as I, front tire flat as a pancake... Paul, do you have a recommendation for a road tire that is resistant to flats???

Tonight my plan is to up my run to 1.5 miles (trying hard now... getting strong now).
